We would love to have your family join our chorus.
See below for information about how auditions work and a link to sign up.
Who is eligible to audition?
Auditions for new members are open to anyone entering grades 3-8.
About auditions: Our 2024/2025 season has already started but we do take new singers at the end of the semester. Email Wendi Burback at wburback@ccchome.org to schedule an audition.
What happens during the audition?
We ask singers to arrive 5 minutes before the scheduled audition time. A director will call in the singer at the start of the audition. The audition will include:
"My Country 'tis of Thee" (Verse 1) - Music with words is provided. Starting note-G. If you do not know this song, we will find another you do, like "Happy Birthday."
Practice aids for your audition:
Printed music for “My Country” and Rounds
Sound file piano/vocal to practice “My Country”
Sound file of just piano of “My Country”
Exercises to check range
Echoing musical patterns
Round - such as, "Are You Sleeping," to check independent part singing
Singers may choose to have their parent in the room or to have him/her wait in another room. The audition takes about 10 minutes.
How will we learn whether or not our child was accepted?
Your singer will receive a letter notifying them of the results of the audition. Letters for auditions in the spring will come out in the end of June.
What are the fees?
Next season’s fees will be:
New to CCC: $595, includes a one-time formal uniform fee.
Returning Jubilate and Cantare: $555
Sala Voce: $575
Primo Coro: $200
How are singers who are accepted assigned to choirs?
Selected singers are placed in choirs based on their audition and experience. New auditions are eligible for Jubilate (entering grades 3-6) and Cantare (entering grades 5-8). Learn more about Our Choirs here.
My child is not yet in 3rd grade, what can I do?
Primo Coro (first choir) is the Centennial Children's Chorus introduction to choir program for kids in Kindergarten - 2nd grade. This is a non-auditioned class where children are introduced to choral music in the rehearsal setting and take part in a choir filled with singing, learning, and fun. Each session is 10 weeks long. For more information, please click here to learn more about Primo Coro.
Spring 2025 Session: Mondays, 4:15 - 5:00 p.m., February 24th - May 5th, 2025 at Christ United Methodist Church, 301 E. Drake.
1. Monday, May 5th at 5:15 p.m. at Christ United Methodist Church
2. Kid's on Broadway , Saturday, May 10th at 7:00 p.m. at The Lincoln Center
Cost: $200
No class on Monday, March 17th because of Spring Break
Does CCC offer scholarships?
Yes, CCC has several scholarships, including talent-based and need-based financial support. Learn more about our named scholarships in our FAQs.
The EDA Choral Scholarship provides full scholarships to selected returning Sala Voce members exhibiting excellence in musicianship, leadership, and citizenship.
The Kayla Foundation has awarded CCC funds to provide a scholarship to support a singer with financial needs.
The Linda Hall Memorial Scholarship will provide support for singers with financial needs.
CCC offers financial needs-based scholarships to singers for our Summer Festival Camp.
CCC provides several additional partial scholarships for families with financial needs thanks to our other generous sponsors including the Larimer Chorale and Colorado Gives Day donors.
Singers going into 3rd- 8th grade are invited to join us June 2 - June 7, 2025 for choral camp in Fort Collins, CO.
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