CCC Choirs

Centennial Children’s Chorus is comprised of choirs, ranging in grades kindergarten through eight, that meet at various locations in Fort Collins. Starting in third grade, the choirs emphasize note reading, vocal training, and performance skills, while singing in the traditional concerts throughout the year in addition to other performances as arranged by the directors. Learn more about our directors at Our Staff.

Click here for a CCC Sampler


Primo Coro: "First choir"

DIRECTED BY: Wendi Burback

Accompanist: Carol VanShaar

Primo Coro is CCC's choir preparatory program for kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade. In this non-auditioned class, children are introduced to choral music in the rehearsal setting and take part in a choir filled with singing, learning, and fun. Primo Coro is an outstanding way for young children to explore their budding interest in music with the potential for other opportunities within CCC.  

Singers learn musical skills and group singing through playful activities to build concepts such as listening, singing, matching pitch, recognizing ascending and descending phrases, simple rhythmic and melodic patterns, movement, and expression. 

Rehearsals start with vocal warm-ups and exercises. The rest of the time is devoted to active learning through musical games, folk dancing, or playing simple percussion instruments. Singers start to learn proper breathing, posture, and basic music reading.

Primo Coro has a fall and spring session, each are a 10-week program.

Spring 2025 Session: Mondays, 4:15 - 5:00 p.m., February 24th - May 5th, 2025 at Christ United Methodist Church, 301 E. Drake.


1. Monday, May 5th at 5:15 p.m. at Christ United Methodist Church 

2. Kid's on Broadway , Saturday, May 10th at 7:00 p.m. at The Lincoln Center

Cost: $200

No class on Monday, March 17th because of Spring Break


Jubilate: "Joyful voices"


Jubilate is a performance choir for singers in grades 3-6, with major emphasis on vocal training and performance in the traditional concert schedule.

Jubilate singers have demonstrated the ability to match pitch, and have a readiness to sing in parts. 

Studies focus on vocal training, note reading, and performance skills.Jubilate is a full-year choir, starting from the Fall Workshop in mid-August, and ending with the Summer Festival Concert in early June. 

Singers meet Mondays, 6:30 - 8:00 pm at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church in Fort Collins.

Jubilate performances include the Songs of the Season, Teddy Bear Tea, Kids on Broadway, Jubilate and Cantare in Concert, and the Summer Festival Concert. They also perform a Thank-You Concert for Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church in gratitude for them welcoming us to rehearse in their space.  

Ticketed events: Songs of the Season (adults), Teddy Bear Tea, Jubilate and Cantare in Concert, and Kids on Broadway.


Cantare: "To Sing"

DIRECTED BY: Nicole Hallenbeck

Cantare is the intermediate choir for grades 5-8.  Cantare singers have demonstrated intermediate proficiency in vocal technique and part-singing. Besides extensive vocal training, they focus on two and three-part choral literature and perform in the traditional concert schedule.Cantare is a full-year choir, starting from the Fall Workshop in mid-August, and ending with the Summer Festival Concert in early June. 

Singers meet Mondays, 6:30 - 8:00 pm at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church in Fort Collins.

Cantare performances include the Songs of the Season, Teddy Bear Tea, Kids on Broadway, Jubilate and Cantare in Concert, and the Summer Festival Concert. They perform a Thank-You Concert for Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church in gratitude for them welcoming us to rehearse in their space. 

Ticketed events: Songs of the Season (adults), Teddy Bear Tea, Jubilate and Cantare in Concert, and Kids on Broadway.


Sala Voce: "Chamber Voices"

DIRECTED BY: Wendi Burback

Sala Voce is the most advanced group of singers in CCC and is open to singers, grades 7-8, who have been in CCC for at least one year. 

Sala Voce singers have demonstrated a high degree of vocal and sight-singing ability, a consistent work ethic, and a strong commitment to the organization. 

They perform the most difficult repertoire and have extra musical responsibilities and experiences.

Sala Voce is a full-year choir, starting from the Fall Workshop in mid-August, and ending with the Summer Festival Concert in early June. 

Singers meet Mondays, 6:30 - 8:30 pm at Christ United Methodist Church in Fort Collins.

Sala Voce performances include the Songs of the Season, Teddy Bear Tea, Sala Voce Sings!, Kids on Broadway, and the Summer Festival Concert. They perform Thank-You Concerts for Christ United Methodist Church and for Our Saviour's Lutheran Church in gratitude for them welcoming us to rehearse in their space.

Sala Voce singers often have the opportunity to travel to a concert festival during the summer. Past locations have included Denver, New Orleans, Eugene, London, Hawaii, and Washington D.C.

Ticketed events: Songs of the Season (adults), Teddy Bear Tea, Sala Voce Sings!, and Kids on Broadway.